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Life is Cool! @ Pinocchio's

All of Pinocchio's Life is Cool! Original Italian ICe Cream is handcrafted daily from the finest and freshest ingredients and in accordance with strict food safety regulations. Some flavors are an inspiration of the beaches of Southwest Florida while other flavors are created with a little collaboration from their loyal Customers.  Sanibel Krunch©, Dirty Sand Dollar©, Wedding Bells©, Gator Stew©, Berrywinkle on Periwinkle©, Flying Pig© and Couch Potato© are just a few from the long list of flavors that have helped Pinocchio’s scoop out a name for themselves in the world of frozen confections. 


So what's with the cookie? That's right. Each Pinocchio's product deserves a special treat and for more than 35 years, it has been an animal cracker prominently displayed on top of every product they serve which is part of the Pinocchio's Brand recognition. 

Others have tried to emulate this tradition with little to no success. Everyone associates the animal cracker with a Pinocchio's ice cream product. As the Puma family can tell you. "Everyone expects it. If it does not have an animal cracker on top, then it's not from Pinocchio's."



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